- 社長からのメッセージ:

JLC, Japan Laser Corp. (日本レーザー)では、その答えは明白です。
2007年、電子顕微鏡の世界のトップメーカーである、JEOLからMEBO(Management Employees Buy-Out)で独立しました。
株式会社日本レーザー 代表取締役会長
東京商工会議所 多様な人材活躍委員会 共同委員長
東京商工会議所 貿易部会 副部会長
人を大切にする経営学会 副会長
近藤 宣之
2023年7月14日付けで、東京商工会議所 貿易部会 副部会長に就任致しました。

2004年3月 |
「協議する力・参加する力」(公益財団法人富士社会教育センター刊、神津里季生連合会長との共著) |
2011年12月 |
坂本光司著「日本でいちばん大切にしたい会社」(3)(あさ出版)に30ページにわたって紹介。 |
2012年8月 |
「ビジネスマンの君に伝えたい40のこと」(あさ出版) |
2013年7月 |
西浦道明編著「社員にもお客様にも価値ある会社」(かんき出版)に50ページにわたって紹介。 |
2013年7月 |
経済産業省編「ダイバーシティ経営戦略」(経済産業調査会)に10ページにわたって紹介。 |
2013年11月 |
「トップが綴る わが人生の師」(PHP研究所 共著) |
2014年11月 |
「わが『志』を語る」 ~トップが綴る仕事の原点・未来の夢~(PHP研究所 共著) |
2015年11月 |
「トップが綴る人生感動の瞬間」~心が震えた出会い~(PHP研究所 共著) |
2016年1月 |
「お客様やパートナーとの共存共栄の実現」~グローバルに通用する進化した日本的経営~(近藤 宣之 述、小野瀬 拡 著、企業家ミュージアム発行) |
2016年11月 |
「トップが綴る 人生感動の瞬間」(PHP研究所 共著) |
2016年11月 |
小酒部さやか著「ずっと働ける会社」(共栄書房)に17ページにわたって紹介。 |
2016年11月 |
坂本光司著「利益を追わなくなると、なぜ会社は儲かるのか」(ビジネス社)に4ページにわたって紹介。 |
2017年3月 |
「ありえないレベルで人を大切にしたら23年連続黒字になった仕組み」(ダイヤモンド社) |
2017年4月 |
日本能率協会編「KAIKAする経営」(日本能率協会)に6ページにわたって紹介。 |
2017年5月 |
三冨正博著「見えない資産経営」(東方通信社)に11ページにわたって紹介。 |
2017年5月 |
Masahiro Mitomi 著「Invisible Asset Management」(Value Create社)に12ページにわたって紹介。 |
2017年10月 |
太田肇著「ムダな仕事が多い会社」 (筑摩書房)に4ページにわたって紹介。 |
2017年11月 |
村上幸一著「ザ・ビジネスモデルイノベーション」(ダイヤモンド社)に10ページにわたって紹介。 |
2018年9月 |
『社員を「大切にする」から黒字になる。「甘い」から赤字になる』(あさ出版) |
Presidential Messages
(1) Our Management Philosophy
We facilitate the development of a great diversity of sciences and industries, creatively applying optical technologies through cultivation of mutually beneficial relationships with customers and partners.
(2) Our Corporate Missions
- We provide customers with “Integrated Light Solutions”.
- We provide all people who work for JLC with a fertile environmental and opportunities to attain self-enrichment and accelerate their professional development regardless of age, sex, academic history, race, religion or national origin.
- We contribute to mutual understanding among global citizens and to world peace through mutually profitable relationships with overseas suppliers.
(3) Our Vision for the Future
- The markets JLC focuses on will be not only in Japan, but also in East Asia.
- JLC achieves US$40 million in sales within a couple of years, and US$50 million in the near future.
- JLC group achieves 100 million annual turnover with several companies under JLCHD in the future.
(4) Our Strategy
- JLC imports and sells the world’s most advanced optical technologies and products from overseas suppliers in the scientific and industrial markets in Japan.
- JLC offers technical support to suppliers’ customers in East Asia.
- JLC promotes systems with added value from peripherals and software, etc.
- JLC supports domestic manufacturers to promote their products in East Asia.
- JLC creates a mutually trusting relationship among stakeholders via the concepts of “CAR”, Confidence, Appeal and Respect.
- JLC cooperates with overseas suppliers to establish their subsidiaries in Japan, when they wish, under JLCHD.
- JLC supports directors and managers to establish their own companies if they wish under JLCHD.
(5) Our Management Policies
“S.O.F.T.“ is an acronym representing the essence of our management policies at JLC. SOFT stands for Speed & Simple, Open & Opportunity, Fair and Flexibility and Transparency & Teamwork. As a benchmark for our business practices and corporate decisions we constantly strive to adhere to these concepts for better management.
- Speed:
In order to cope with the ever-changing company environment, management should make decisions and respond to changes with all deliberate speed. Speed is one of the important elements of effective management in a global situation.
- Simple:
JLC has constrained itself to simple regulations and business procedures. For example, we are proud of having a very low overhead and small Administration Group utilizing only three staff members, management approvals can be obtained through our intranet, everyone has direct access to all levels of management, and our personnel evaluation system is straightforward.
- Open:
Being open and candid is essential for everyone at JLC. Even the President should willingly accept comments and criticisms, including those which make him uncomfortable. He should listen to such requests or criticisms with a cheerful smile and a positive attitude because if his face or his body language shows displeasure at unfavorable comments, no one will make them to him again. If we all keep an open mind and give thoughtful consideration to constructive criticism, this will be a major contributor to continuous improvement.
- Opportunity:
JLC provides people who work for the company with a fertile business environment and a wide range of opportunities to attain self-enrichment and accelerate their professional development.
- Fair:
We treat our people, sub-contractors, and suppliers, indeed everyone with whom we interact, fairly, regardless of age, length of service, sex, academic history, race, religion, or national origin. JLC has three regular employees from China. One of the reasons why we have many people of diverse national origin is that we treat them equitably, without bias or discrimination.
- Flexibility:
Since the circumstances under which we conduct business are always changing, we have to adapt to changes in any situation with savoir-faire. Management should be flexible in its business practices and even company regulations should be applied with thoughtful and just consideration in order to demonstrate appreciation for a given situation.
- Transparency:
We try to share information and our philosophy on management, business procedures, and results with all employees through a variety of meetings and emails. JLC discloses most of its important financial information and trade secrets with people working for the company. The company has been publishing its newsletter, JLC News, every month. The newsletter always carries the previous month’s financial results as well as individual contributions to the company.
It is quite unusual for a small company like JLC in Japan to have a weekly management meeting, a monthly all-inclusive staff meeting, and an official BOD meeting
- Teamwork:
Wherever a company exists, needless to say, teamwork is crucial to achieve the best results. However, our emphasis on autonomy of the individual could be misconstrued to conflict with teamwork. Self-motivated people work with minimal supervision as they should, but we must always maintain our close collaboration and teamwork through whatever techniques are appropriate.
(6) Our Beliefs
- As employees grow, the company grows.
- Employees’ satisfaction comes first before that of our customers.
- Unless employees are satisfied with the company and products or services they provide, they cannot satisfy their customers.
- Unless employees appreciate the company’s compensation and opportunities provided, they cannot share the pleasure with customers.
(7) Our Corporate Culture Objectives
- We endeavor to continually improve our corporate culture by building on the respect we have for each other, sharing the pleasure of working closely together, and being amiable and confident in all our business and personal relations.
- We are grateful for the stage offered by JLC and we strive to continue to evolve to a higher level by constantly challenging our personal and JLC’s goals on this stage.
(8) Our Principles of Conduct
JLC is a company that utilizes its unique corporate missions, management philosophy, management policies and corporate culture objectives as building blocks to achieve success. To contribute most effectively to this success, it is essential that each and every employee adhere to the guidelines described below.
- I will collect new information with a keen sense of awareness and convey it quickly to everyone it may concern.
- I will adapt to changes in any situation in a composed and professional manner with savoir-faire.
- I will always strive to learn the facts and search for the truth.
- I will greet others with a cheerful smile and interact with everyone without preconception or prejudice.
- I will look at the complete picture to be able to explain it in plain and simple words to everyone in our business.
(9) A Company with the Most Motivated People in Japan
In order to become a premier company in Japan at the forefront of employee motivation, we will devote our utmost effort to this goal.
- JLC’s employees have been highly motivated through the MEBO.
- We have modified our stockholders association to accept newly hired employees who joined us after the MEBO in 2007.
- We treat our people not as “one of them”, but as “one of us”.
- We produce a friendly atmosphere through daily dialogues between management and employees.
- We diligently compose our weekly notes exchanging our awareness with management and employees.
- We continually foster close contact between management and employees, with events such as mixers, parties, outings, company-sponsored travels, etc.
- We create a great sense of inward security through being consistently profitable.
- We offer our people an opportunity to work until 70 years old if they so desire.
- We continuously offer a wide range of opportunities to attain self-enrichment and accelerate their professional development, such as training courses provided by several consulting firms.
- We regularly improve our compensation systems to meet employees’ expectation.
(10) President’s Fundamental Guidelines for Management
I hope people at JLC understand my sense of value and philosophy for the management of the company. My role and intent is to lead the company, not to force everyone to rigidly adhere to my individual way of doing things. Therefore I always try to remember and hold to the following eight principles to conduct myself as president and to make decisions at JLC.
- Openly accept people coming into the company; don’t pursue those that are leaving.
- Gain from losing. =Postpone your profit in deference to others happiness. =
- Turn misfortune into a blessing. =If fate deals you a lemon, make lemonade=
- More is not always better. =What people want, give it to them in moderation. =
- Don’t make yourself look good. (Be honest and candid.)
- Don’t meddle with others.
=Always get people’s consent before giving them your suggestions or doing them favors. =
- Make decisions of your own free will, when it is appropriate for you.
=Accept personal responsibility, don’t shift blame to others. =
- What happens around you is for the best and is your fate.
= Accept life as it is. =
My management objective is not to make JLC a big company, but to help create a company in which all people enjoy their work and attain personal growth, satisfaction, and success.
(11) JLC’s Way
- There is no way to happiness.
- Happiness is the way.
- We live here and now.
- We should not regret what we have done in the past.
- We should not be anxious about what will happen in the future.
- We should focus on the task at hand here and now.
- Everything is up to us.
- Take responsibility for every aspect of your life.
- There are always ups and downs in life.
- Last but not least, the shortest distance between two points in life is not a straight path.
These are my beliefs based on many experiences in my life.
Thank you for your interest in JLC.